Bear | She/Her | Hobbyist

About the artist
Hey Lads ! I go by Bear
I'm a white danish cis lesbian artist who enjoys drawing gay art 🌈
I especially love drawing my original and RPG characters !
but I mainly focus on my OCs, which primary consists of 2 original worldbuilding projects.
I’m a hobbyist, spent most of my free time drawing and I also do part-time freelance art. Such as privat commissions.Please DO NOT refer to me or my art as q*eer. I do not identify with the word in anyway and feel uncomfortable being referered to as such.

● Do you take requests ?
I don't per say, but you can always write a prompt to me and there is a chance I will consider it. If you really want me to draw something specific, the best way is to commissioning me !
● What programs / brushes do you use ?
I use Paint Tool SAI Ver. 2 and sometimes I edit the color in PhotoScape.
I use a Wacom Intuos Pro Medium on my PC to draw with (:
As for brushes I mainly use these:
● Can I use your art as icon / Wallpaper / etc ?
For sure ! But please credit me, and if it's for a more public thing, like a youtube thumbnail, I would like to be asked directly beforehand.
You may not use my art in any way to make money.
● Can I use your Leliana armor design ?
Absolutely ! But I would enjoy credit (: and @ me so I can see it !
● Are all your OCs really gay ?
98% yeah, I almost always make all my characters lesbians, and the few men I have are almost always gay.
I do have some minor bi (and very few straight) ones for my larger original worlds. No shade to non gay people I just wanna focus on exclusive gay attraction in my works
● Do you do commissions ?
Yes ! Read more here
● What is _ project about ?
I have 2 major worldbuilding projects currently in the works.
Out of the Hunt is a science fantasy action adventure about post-apocalyptic earth with focus on a wlw romance.
Midday Coven is urban fantasy slice of life about a bunch of young gay witches.
You can read more about both here !

Ways to contact me
I'm quickest to response with emails, but all options are available.
Please don't dm me on instagram or Reddit, as I don't receive notifications.
Commissions are currently closed
Commission aplications will be closed for April-May 2023, as I'll be working on my short comic Kahakai (:
Waitlist for commissions
Just write that you want to put on the waitlist (: You can also add if you already know what type of commission you want
Welcome to my commission page !
Prices are in USD. You may convert it to your desired currency via. Xe
Please be aware that all prices are pr. character.All prices are based on you providing existing character references, if you wish for me to design clothing/armor or the character itself an additional fee will be added. (around +50-80%)Prices may change slightly if the design is highly complex, such as with armor.Once you've decided on a commission fill out the form
Simplified prices
ㅤ | Headshot | Bust | Halfbody | Fullbody |
Lineart | 35 $ | 40 $ | 50 $ | 60 $ |
Flat color | 40 $ | 50 $ | 60 $ | 70 $ |
Lineless | 55 $ | 60 $ | 70 $ | 80 $ |
Cell shaded | 65 $ | 70 $ | 80 $ | 90 $ |
Painted | 95 $ | 100 $ | 110 $ | 120 $ |
Chibi Icon | 15 $ |
Background options
Transparent | Simple | Landscape | Complex |
0 $ | 5-20 $ | 30-50 $ | 60+ $ |
Character Sheet
ㅤ | Existing Design | New Design |
Fullbody + 3 props | 85- $ | 155- $ |
Front, back + side view | 165- $ | 235- $ |
Fullbody + 2 headshots | 95- $ | 135- $ |
Pr. extra prop | 25- $ | 35- $ |
Pr. headshot | 35- $ | 45- $ |
Pr. extra fullbody | 70- $ | 95- $ |

Size Guide



Artwork of an inked character.
You may ask for any color as filler or as transparent.
You're allowed to color the inked commission yourself if the lineart is credited to me.
Please be aware that the prices are pr. character in the commission.
Headshot | Bust | Halfbody | Fullbody |
35 $ | 40 $ | 50 $ | 60 $ |
Flat colored

Artwork of a flat colored character.
Always includes face details.
Other effects such as smoke, wetness and defuse rim light are allowed.
Please be aware that the prices are pr. character in the commission.
Headshot | Bust | Halfbody | Fullbody |
45 $ | 50 $ | 60 $ | 70 $ |


Artwork of a lineless colored character.
Always includes details on face.
Other effects such as smoke, wetness and defuse rim light are allowed.
Please be aware that the prices are pr. character in the commission.
Headshot | Bust | Halfbody | Fullbody |
55 $ | 60 $ | 70 $ | 80 $ |
Cell Shaded

Artwork of a cell shaded character.
Always includes face details and highlights.
Special lighting included; rim, back, low, ect.
Please be aware that the prices are pr. character in the commission.
Headshot | Bust | Halfbody | Fullbody |
65 $ | 70 $ | 80 $ | 90 $ |


Artwork of a painted character.
All effects allowed. You may choose between a 'loose' painting style or a more 'clean' look.
Please be aware that the prices are pr. character in the commission.
Headshot | Bust | Halfbody | Fullbody |
95 $ | 100 $ | 110 $ | 120 $ |
Chibi Icon

Artwork of a slightly shaded chibi / cartoon icon of a character.
If you want a more complex pose a small fee will be added.
Please be aware that the prices are pr. character in the commission.
Pr. character |
15 $ |
Background Options

Commission will either have a white or transparent background, depending on your choice.
Pr. commission |
0 $ |

Includes patterns, gradation or shapes of your choosing.
Pr. commission |
5-20 $ |

A background based on existing landscape.
Can either be of your chosen or I can find a appropriate one.
Pr. commission |
30-50 $ |

A complex background, neither a very complex landscape, buildings or interior design.
Pr. commission |
60+ $ |
Character sheets
Character sheet of one chosen character.
Please note these prices are start prices and may change depending on complexity and whether or not I'm asked to design the character or/and outfit.
You may mix and match different options.
If you're in doubt always contact me.

Fullbody + 3 props
Character sheet that includes 1 fullbody with chosen outfit and 3 props of choice.
Props can be anything, such as weapons, bags or knickknacks.
Existing Design | New Design |
85- $ | 155- $ |
Front, back + side view
Character sheet that includes 3 fullbody with chosen outfit, with front, side and back view.
Existing Design | New Design |
165- $ | 235- $ |

Fullbody + 2 headshots
Character sheet that includes 1 fullbody with chosen outfit and 2 headshots.
Headshots can be expressions or to show more facial details.
Existing Design | New Design |
95- $ | 135- $ |
+ Prop

Existing design | New design |
25- $ | 35- $ |
+ Headshot

Existing design | New design |
35- $ | 45- $ |
+ Fullbody

Existing design | New design |
60- $ | 95- $ |
This will be an explanation of how the comission process will work
1. Read the terms of service
Read my terms of service and make sure you understand the terms. If you have any questions make sure to contact me.
2. Fill out form / Contact me
Once you have decided what kind of commission you want, you can either fill out this google form or copy/paste this form, fill it out and sent it to me by message.Make sure you understand read the prices clearly and contact me at any point if you want a more definitive price, as prices can vary depending on the complexity of the work.
3. Approval of commission
Once I've received your commission, I'll contact you and make sure we have a clear understanding of what you want.
4. Payment
You can pay for the commission in 4 different ways:
If you want to pay via PayPal, please make sure to include the email that is connected to your PayPal account in the initial form.
Once we have settled on a definitive price, I'll sent you a PayPal invoice, which you'll pay via.
MobilePay (DK only)
This option is for danish people only. If you wish to pay via MobilePay, make sure to include your phone number when you contact me.
If you want to pay via Ko-Fi, please remember to sent the payment via a donation, not via commission.
If you do wish to pay via the commission feature on Ko-Fi, please beware that you'll have to pay the 5% fee.
Once we have settled on a definitive price, You'll sent the payment via. the donation feature.
I no longer accept DeviantART payments as the site supports the Palestinian genocide.
5. In Progress
Once I've revived payment, I'll sent a rough concept sketch, which you'll have to approve.
If you wish, I'll sent you updates in form af WIPs as I work on the commission.
These WIPs are your chance to influence the commission as it progresses. They do not cost extra.
6. Receiving your commission
Once the commission is done, I'll sent the full size version to your via your preferred contacting means.
Asking for any additional changes to the commission once it's done (unless it's my mistake) will result in a small fee.You may ask for several versions (such as with a different color, minor changes) for an additional fee.If you want to tip me for the commission, you can choose to donate to my Ko-Fi account:
Terms of service
By comissioning me you are confirming that you've read and agree to these terms.
Rights Policy
Artist’s rights
I, the artist,
reserve all copyrights of the artwork regardless of the characters in it.
reserve the right to display the artwork in portfolios and online galleries with credit to the commissioner. However if you wish to keep the commission private, ask me about it ! I'm willing to be flexible (:
reserve the right to exercise artistic interpretation and artistic licence with a commission.
will not draw characters not belonging to the commissioner without written permission. (Doesn't apply to fanart)
reserve the right to refuse to take on a commission for any reason.
Client’s rights
You, the commissioner,
may use the commission for personal use only.
may repost the art with due credit to me, if the site allows it. (Please ask for a version with watermark for this)
retain all rights to your characters.
may use the art as references for other artists.
are permitted to edit the piece yourself, but not permitted pay/trade another artist to edit said piece.
may use the art in signatures, banners, website layouts etc.
may cancel your commission at any time before the work is finished. (See refund policy)
are not permitted to commercially redistribute and/or mass-produce the art as prints (All commissions are solely for personal use).
are not permitted to use the work in blockchains, NFTs, minting, or selling image rights.
Content Policy
I will draw:
Fan art
Original Characters
M/M(men loving men) and W/W(women loving women)
NSFW, such as blood, nudity and non-fetish erotica
I'm not experience with but don't mind drawing:
Fantasy creatures
Cars, mecha or other robotic objects
Het (F/M pairings)
I will not draw:
Explicit fetish or porn artwork (Negotiable for a large additional fee)
Extreme gore (Negotiable for a large additional fee)
Anything that promotes abuse (Incest, pedophilia or rape)
Anything that is hateful in nature towards any oppressed groups / ethnicity / orientation / religion etc
Payment Policy
Do not send me the payment unprompted.
Progress on the commission only starts once payment had been received.
If you wish to pay with PayPal, I'll send you an invoice before I begin working on your commission.
If you're Danish you may pay via MobilePay.
If you want to pay via Ko-Fi please wait with sending the payment until we have settled on the final price.
Payment via Paypal can be sent in any currency as long as the exchange rate corresponds to the correct price.
Please give me a valid Paypal email to send an invoice to. Should the invoice bounce, I will inform you and not start your commission until we get it sorted out.
You can tip me if wanted via my Ko-fi account !
Design / deadlines Policy
If you don't have any clear visual reference of your character, I'll add a design fee in the commission. Please note that 1 photograph of a faceclaim doesn't count as valid reference.
Cost of the design fee may vary in price, depending on complexity.
if you have a deadline please tell me ! If the deadline is very close I may add a small fee.
Please note that even with references that very complex design, such as armor, may come with additional fees.
Edits / Versions Policy
Edits and alterations are free if the mistakes are mine.
If you want serveral version of the same commission a fee will be added. The price depends on the complexity.
You may check on the progress of your work and ask for WIPs besides the mandatory sketch approval.
You may pay extra for the commission work file upon finish (.SAI file type)
Refund Policy
In the event that I am unable to work on your commission, you will be refunded in full.
In the event that you cancel before work has begun, you will be refunded in full.
In the event that you cancel while the work is in progress, you will receive a partial refund. (Amount depends on how complete the commission is)
Artwork is non-refundable once completed.
Commission Form
Please note that you can also submit a commission via. google forms.
Normal commission with provided reference
Do you agree to my terms of service:
Your name / Username:
Your Email:
Do you want multiple WIPs:
Do you want the commission to be private:
Payment method:
Size: Headshot, bust, halfbody or fullbody
Type: Lineart, flat coloured, linesless, cell shaded or painted
Background: White, transparent, simple, landscape or complex
Number of characters:
Name of character(s):
Expression / Pose / color palette wishes:
Anything else:
Links to references:
Normal commission with designing
Please be aware that a fee of +50-80% is added for designing a character / Outfit.Please try to be as detailed as possible when descripting what you want in the design.
Do you agree to my terms of service:
Your name / Username:
Your Email:
Do you want multiple WIPs:
Do you want the commission to be private:
Payment method:
Size: Headshot, bust, halfbody or fullbody
Type: Lineart, flat coloured, linesless, cell shaded or painted
Background: White, transparent, simple, landscape or complex
Number of characters:
Name of character(s):
Expression / Pose / color palette wishes:
Anything else:
Age(s) of character(s): if they look different than their age, please tell me how old they look !
Race/Ethnicity/Species of character(s): If your character isn't from our universe please tell me what ethnicity they are based on to better
Face / Body type:
Personality of character(s):
Clothing / Armor:
Inspiration or ideas in link form:
Character sheet commission with provided reference
Do you agree to my terms of service:
Your name / Username:
Your Email:
Do you want multiple WIPs:
Do you want the commission to be private:
Payment method:
Amount og fullbodies:
Amount of Headshots:
Amount of props:
Name of character(s):
Expression / Pose / color palette wishes:
Anything else:
Links to references:
Character sheet commission with designing
Please be aware that a fee of +50-80% is added for designing a character / Outfit.Please try to be as detailed as possible when descripting what you want in the design.
Do you agree to my terms of service:
Your name / Username:
Your Email:
Do you want multiple WIPs:
Do you want the commission to be private:
Payment method:
Amount og fullbodies:
Amount of Headshots:
Amount of props:
Name of character(s):
Expression / Pose / color palette wishes:
Anything else:
Age(s) of character(s): if they look different than their age, please tell me how old they look !
Race/Ethnicity/Species of character(s): If your character isn't from our universe please tell me what ethnicity they are based on to better
Face / Body type:
Personality of character(s):
Clothing / Armor:
Inspiration or ideas in link form:
Chibi / Cartoon Icon commission with provided reference
Do you agree to my terms of service:
Your name / Username:
Your Email:
Do you want multiple WIPs:
Do you want the commission to be private:
Payment method:
Number of characters:
Name of character(s):
Expression / Pose / color palette wishes:
Anything else:
Links to references:
Original Projects
RPG Characters
For original characters click here
They are all lesbians (expect one gay guy) so no need to ask
Original Characters
RPG Characters

Bernadette Amell
Hero of Ferelden
Female | 25 (DAO) | Lawfully Neutral | 183 cm
Conscientious | Subjective | Stoic
Romance: Leliana ❤️
Class | Specialization: Mage | Arcane Warrior & Shapeshifter
Species | Ethnicity based: Human | Half Ethiopian & Half Arab
Titles: Hero of Ferelden | Warden-Commander of Ferelden | Champion of RedcliffeMajor Choices:
- Saved the Circle
- Broke the curse
- Bhelen made king without anvil
- Anora became Queen
- Survived killing the Archdemon
- Saved Amaranthine City and Vigil's Keep
- Spared the Architect
Mariam Hawke
Champion of Kirkwall
Female | 24 (DAll) | True Neutral | 194 cm
Realistic | Sarcastic | Rowdy
Romance: Isabela ❤️
Class | Specialization: Mage | Blood & Force Mage
Species | Ethnicity based: Human | Half Japanese & Half Arab
Titles: Champion of Kirkwall | Amell NobleMajor Choices:
- Humorous (Purple) Personality
- Feynriel sent to the dalish
- Carver and Bethany joined the Grey Wardens
- Arishok killed
- Sided with mages
- Anders was spared
- Sided with Larius
Arla Lavellan
The Inquisitor
Female | 29 (DAI) | Neutral Good | 154 cm
Soft-hearted | Humble | Vengeful
Romance: Josephine Montilyet❤️
Class | Specialization: Mage | Rift Mage
Species | Ethnicity based: Elf | Half Inuit & Half Samoan
Titles: Ex-Inquisitor | First to the Lavellan clan | Herald of AndrasteMajor Choices:
- Allied with mages
- Alistair stayed in the Fade
- Celene reconciled with Briala
- Drank from the Well
- Leliana became Divine
- Told the truth about Ameridan
- Disbanded the Inquisition
- Will stop Solas at all cost

Leah Shepard
Female | 29 (ME1) | Lawfully Good | 187 cm
Courageous | Ambitious | Demanding
Romance: Liara T'soni ❤️
Class | Profile: Soldier | Spacer | War Hero
Species | Ethnicity: Human | Black Canadian
Titles Hero of the Skyllian Blitz | Commander in the Alliance military | N7 graduate | Spectre of the Citadel CouncilMajor Choices:
- Paragon
- Saved Ashley
- Everyone survived the suicide mission
- Helped cure the Genophage
- Brokered peace between Geth and Quarians
- Destroyed Reaper forces | Shepard lives

Llaila Samarys
Female | 32 | Lawfully Neutral | 175 cm
x | x | x
Romance: ?
Class | Major skills: Knight | Long Blade - Heavy Armor - Alteration - Mysticism
Species | Ethnicity based: Dunmer | Arab
Titles xMajor Choices:
- Didn't believe she was the Nerevarine
- Was respectful to the Ashlanders
- Persuaded the houses to recognize her as their Hortator without being a member
- Saved the sleepers from Dagoth Ur's spell
- Assaulted the 7 citadels of the sixth House
- Spoke sympathetic with Dagoth Ur before the final battle
- Completed the main quests without the divine aid of Vivec
- Killed both Vivec and Almalexia
Bjørn Dovahkiin
The Last Dragonborn
Male | 54 | True Neutral | 196 cm
x | x | x
Married: Vilkas ❤️
Class | Major skills: Agent | Archery - Sneak - Alteration - Enchanting
Species | Ethnicity based: Werebear Nord | 3/4 Black & 1/4 White
Titles xMajor Choices:
- Became leader of all possible factions
- Did all Daedric quests
- Became an accidental Cannibal
- Put off joining the war, but ended up siding with imperials
- Sided with the Dawnguard
- Let Paarthunax live

Abigail Mills
The Lone Wanderer
Female | 19 | Lawfully Good | 181 cm
Magnanimous | Stubborn | Regretful
Romance: Sarah Lyons ❤️
Perks: Daddy's Girl | Swift Learner | Computer Whiz
Species | Ethnicity: Human | Half African-American & Half white
Titles Brotherhood of Steel Paladin | Project Purity scientistMajor Choices:
- Good karma
- Disarmed the Atomic bomb in Megaton
- Completed the Wasteland Survival Guide
- Killed Harold
- Opened Vault 101
- Sacrificed herself to save water purifier
- Destroyed the Enclave Base
- Sided with Wernher but took Marie with her
Courier 6
Female | 36 | Chaotic Neutral | 166 cm
Resourceful | Unambitious | Amoral
Romance: ?
Perks: Cowboy | Terrifying Presence | Wild Wasteland
Species | Ethnicity: Cyborg | Afrolatina
Titles Package courier of Mojave Express | Ruler of New VegasMajor Choices:
- Doesn't remember her past
- Smashed the buttons at the end of Come Fly With Me
- Sided with Yes Man for an Independent Vegas
Joan Liu
The Sole Survivor
Female | 33 | Neutral Good | 176 cm
x | x | x
Romance: ?
Perks: x | x | x
Species | Ethnicity: Human | Chinese-American
Titles x | xMajor Choices:

Reva Akasha
Darth Revan
Female | 36 | Lawfully Evil | 201 cm
Charismatic | Emotional | Malicious
Romance: The Jedi Exile / Bastila Shan
Alignment | Class: Grey | Scout → Jedi Guardian
Species | Ethnicity based: Human | Indian
Titles The Revanchist | Revan the Butcher | Dark Lord of the SithMajor Choices:
- Earned the Tuskens's trust
- Sided with Chieftain Freyyr
- Found Sunry guilty of murder
- x
- Destroyed the Star Forge
Mithra Surikh
The Jedi Exile
Female | 4? | Lawfully Good | 173 cm
x | x | x
Romance: Darth Revan
Alignment | Class: Light | Jedi Sentinel → Jedi Watchman
Species | Ethnicity based: Human | Iranian
TitlesMajor Choices:
- x
- x
- x
- x
- x